Best Practice Guides

A collection of best practice guides based on what we've seen work best over time
Best Practices: User Flow
Looking to create the most engaging experience your audience has ever seen? Follow our tips for designing an outstanding Jebbit experience. First Scre...
Best Practices: Traffic Drivers
This guide is your go-to resource when you are building out the creative that will drive to a Jebbit experience. These recommendations and best practi...
Best Practices: Optimizations
The Jebbit platform is pretty versatile and nimble. You can easily make real-time updates to the live experience and publish new iteration to see the ...
Best Practices: Trivia Experiences
Trivia experiences are a great way to have fun with your audience in an engaging and fully branded way. Follow the tips and best practices outlined be...
Best Practices: Social Channels
Jebbit makes building and launching engaging consumer experiences quick and easy. You don’t need any coding skills and you can launch a Jebbit experie...
Best Practices: Launching Onsite
Consumers are landing on your website for a more personalized experience, so why not embed a piece of evergreen content directly on one of your most p...
Best Practices: Launching via Email
Your Email audiences knows you, so it's a great channel for converting customers to purchase or for enriching existing user's profiles with more first...
Best Practices: Adding Images
Adding imagery to your campaign is without a doubt one of the keys to an engaging experience. The first stop you should make when creating any experie...