
Resources for creating product match quizzes using Jebbit's Standard Outcomes feature set
Outcome Customization
If you are adding Standard Outcomes to your experience campaign, this article dives into the specific dynamic elements to customize each outcome. Ent...
Product Outcomes
Outcomes are a great way to display a personalized piece of content at the end of your experience based on how a user engages with previous questions....
Mapping Matching Outcomes
Matching Outcomes are used to match users to their best-fit products by weighting their various responses to relevant Outcomes. This type of outcome l...
Mapping Scoring Outcomes
Scoring Outcomes are used to match users with a score that shows how many questions they were able to answer correctly in your experience. Scoring Out...
Creating Outcomes
Outcomes are a great way to personalize an experience by directing users to the most relevant recommendations or content based on how they respond to ...
Outcome Validator
The Outcome Validator is a way to test your different responses to ensure you have your outcome logic set properly. From the Outcome Logic page, toggl...
Outcome Splits
Outcomes are a great way to personalize an experience by directing users to the most relevant product or content recommendation, based on how they res...
Form Field Outcome Support
This article will walk you through the process for incorporating form responses in your Outcome Logic! Any time that you add a screen with form field...