Definitions to help you better navigate and understand data and features within the Jebbit platform
Builder Glossary
You can access the "Builder" in Jebbit any time from the top navigation menu within the platform. The Builder is where you go to create, edit, and lau...
Reporting Glossary
You can access all of your experience analytics from the main “Reporting” menu within the Jebbit platform at any time. From this menu, you can click i...
Attributes Glossary
Attributes are primarily managed within the Attributes section of the Jebbit platform. The following glossary will walk you through the different sect...
Email Glossary
If you include a Jebbit Email Trigger in your experience, then you will be able to track performance through the "Email Analytics" tab within your E...
Campaign Status Glossary
This article provides definitions for each campaign status within the Jebbit platform. The status of a campaign can be viewed from the Workbench or Ex...