Embed a Jebbit Experience in a Klaviyo Email


The following guide reviews the steps for embedding a Jebbit experience within a Klaviyo email. For more information on the process in general, check out this guide to get started!

Step by Step Guide

  1. Follow the steps in this article here to generate the Jebbit embed code.

  2. Login to Klaviyo > Click ‘Create campaign’ - give your campaign a name and email type. You can skip steps two and three if you are adding the Jebbit experience to an existing campaign

  3. Enter your Campaign information (name, tags, recipients, tracking) and ‘Continue to Content’

  4. Choose ‘HTML’ as how you would like to design your email

  1. Paste your Jebbit Code into the Editor and Preview it to ensure it is showing up. We highly recommend sending a preview email to yourself so you can see it in action - then click Save! 

  1. Click ‘Back to Content’ and continue adding in the rest of the details of your launch

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Keywords: embed, email, email embed, klaviyo