Connect Jebbit to your Acoustic Campaign account to create and update contact information in real-time from users who interact with your Jebbit Experiences. Connect Jebbit directly to a specific List or Relational Table for usage in Acoustic Campaign.
Setting up an Acoustic Integration
There are a few steps we ask you to take so that Jebbit can securely receive access to perform the integration. You will need administrative access to your account to perform these steps.
1. Defining your API Application in your Acoustic Account
To enable API access, you must provide Jebbit with your company’s credentials which you can obtain from Organization Settings > Application Account Access.
Select Add Application. The next page will prompt you for the Name of the Application you are creating access for and a brief description.
Enter a name and description that will easily identify which application is connecting to your data in Campaign.
After you click Add, you will be able to see your Client ID and Client Secret. You will want to securely embed these tokens within your application
2. Get Refresh Tokens
Associate a user to an application after setting up your application.
Click Add Account Access.
Choose an Application and User Account from the dropdown and click Add. After the token is created, it is emailed to the user who created the User Application access request, and to the Principle Org admin.
Note: Refresh tokens do not expire unless the user’s access is revoked from the Organization’s Settings for that application.
3. Get Access Tokens
Once you obtain your Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Tokens, you will be able to generate your own Access Tokens.
Choose an Application and user Account from the dropdown and click Add. After the token is created, it is emailed to the user who created the User Application access request, and to the Principle Org admin.
4. Identify API Endpoint
Identify the correct POD that corresponds to the organization account.
Pod | URL |
POD 1 | |
POD 2 | |
POD 3 | |
POD 4 | |
POD 5 | |
POD 6 | |
POD 7 | |
POD 8 | |
POD 9 | |
POD A | |
5. Copy API Integration Information to a .txt file
Please copy the API Client ID, secret, Refresh token, endpoint into a .txt file. Please include your name and company name in the name of your .txt file.
Example File
File Name:
John Doe - Company A.txt
User Name: jebbit_API
Secret: xxXXxxXXxxxxxXXXX
Client ID: ########
Refresh Token: xXxxXxxxXXXX
5. Submit your .txt file via Dropbox File Request
For security reasons, we ask that you transfer the information from your .txt file via Dropbox File request. Please submit your file using this URL.
The Jebbit Integrations Team will be notified once this information is submitted, and will be in contact with you regarding timelines and testing. Please contact your Customer Success Representative with any questions or concerns.