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Listrak Integration
Updated over a month ago

Jebbit can pass collected user emails to your Listrak Contacts list and associated attributes as Segmentation Fields in real time. This data can then be utilized for personalized email campaigns and triggers through Listrak External Events.

Setting up an Iterable Integration

There are a few steps we ask you to take so that Jebbit can securely receive access to perform the integration. You will need administrative access to your account to perform these steps.

1. Create an Integration within your Listrak Account

  • To enable API access, you must create an Integration on the Integrations page. In the Listrak application on the navigation bar go to: Manage → Integrations.

  • Please specify integration type Email for your integration. You must also specify which areas of the API should be made accessible. Please enable all access levels.

  • You will then need to whitelist Jebbit IP addresses in Listrak under this integration. Please request this information from your Jebbit Customer Service Representative.

2. Copy API Integration Information to a .txt file

  • After saving your API Integration Component, you will see an associated Client ID and Client Secret. For your security, the Client Secret cannot be retrieved if it is lost.

  • Please copy each of these values and paste into a .txt file.

3. Copy the List ID, Event ID, and Segmentation IDs

  • Jebbit will need:

    • A specific List ID to know where to send the Jebbit data

    • An Event ID which serves as a trigger for marketing actions inside Listrak

    • Attributes collected from Jebbit as segmentation fields, specifically passing the segmentation field ID. Please provide the Jebbit attribute ID and the corresponding segmentation field ID.

  • These values can be found under your API ID information.

  • Please copy the values into your .txt file

3. Submit your .txt file via Dropbox File Request

Our Jebbit Integrations Team will be notified once this information is submitted, and will be in contact with you regarding timelines and testing.

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