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Segment Integration
Updated over a month ago

Jebbit makes it easy to send Identify and Track events in Segment from data collected via your Jebbit Experiences to a specified Source. This Source can then be connected to Segment’s vast library of Connections for a seamless data integration.

Identify Event

Once a user’s email is collected in Jebbit, an Identify event is sent to Segment. The userId value will be a SHA256 hash of the user’s email address. Jebbit mapped attributes collected from the user, including the plain text email address, are included as traits. Traits will appear as the Jebbit attribute ID you have mapped in Jebbit. See the below example of an Identify Event as it would appear from your Debugger:

"context": {
"externalIds": [
"collection": "users",
"encoding": "none",
"type": "emailSha256Hash"
"timestamp": "2021-03-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"traits": {
"email": "",
"attribute_id_1": "attribute_value_1",
"attribute_id_2": "attribute_value_2"
"type": "identify",

Track Event

Once a user’s email is collected in Jebbit, a Track event by the name “Survey Completed” is sent to Segment. The userId value will be a SHA256 hash of the user’s email address. Jebbit mapped attributes collected from the user are included as a property as “questions”. Questions will appear as the Jebbit attribute ID you have mapped in Jebbit. Also included in the properties will be the surveyId (Campaign ID), surveySessionId (Unique Session ID), surveyTitle (Campaign Name), and trafficSource (Source). See the below example of an Identify Event as it would appear from your Debugger:

"context": {
"externalIds": [
"collection": "users",
"encoding": "none",
"type": "emailSha256Hash"
"event": "Survey Completed",
"timestamp": "2021-03-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"properties": {
"attribute_id_1": "attribute_value_1",
"attribute_id_2": "attribute_value_2"
"surveyId": "n3zrik6g",
"surveySessionId": "y2P5ks05mqzGsdkIGjbQ",
"surveyTitle": "New Quiz",
"trafficSource": "Owned+Web"
"type": "track",
"userId": "f320794388bf29dabc846c54fe7ff28f78fc3bc3c13748783335a9bf33440d55"

Setting up a Segment Integration

There are a few steps we ask you to take so that Jebbit can securely receive access to perform the integration. You will need administrative access to your account to perform these steps.

1. Create an HTTP Tracking API Source

Create a Jebbit Source to which Jebbit can send data to. Alternatively, you can choose to use an existing HTTP Tracking API Source if you already have one. Your Source will have a Write Key associated with it under Settings > API Keys.

2. Provide your Write Key and Data Geographical Location

  • After you locate your Write Key, please copy and paste this value into a .txt file.

  • Clarify whether you will be collecting EU data, Non-EU data, or both.

  • Copy the information from steps 1 and 2 into your .txt file. Include your name and company name in the name of your .txt file.

Example File

File Name:

John Doe - Company A.txt


Write Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Non-EU Data

3. Submit your .txt File via Dropbox File Request

For security reasons, we ask that you transfer the information from your .txt file via Dropbox File request. Please submit your file using this URL.

Our Jebbit Integrations Team will be notified once this information is submitted, and will be in contact with you regarding timelines and testing.

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