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CrowdTwist Integration
Updated over a month ago

Jebbit makes it easy to award Activity Credits in Crowdtwist from users who complete your Jebbit Experience. Jebbit will send the collected email or provided User ID along with the Activity ID for a given experience to your Crowdtwist account.

Setting up a CrowdTwist Integration

There are a few steps we ask you to take so that Jebbit can securely receive access to perform the integration. You will need administrative access to your account to perform these steps.

1. Create API Key and Secret

  • To enable API access, you must provide Jebbit with a Client API key which you can generate following the instructions here.

2. Copy API Key, Endpoint URL and Activity ID to a .txt file

  • Please copy the API Key, Endpoint URL, and Activity ID into a .txt file. Please include your name and company name in the name of your .txt file.

Example File

File Name:

John Doe - Company A.txt


API Key: xxXXxxXXxxxxxXXXX

Endpoint URL:

Activity ID: 410107157

3. Submit your .txt file via Dropbox File Request

  • For security reasons, we ask that you transfer the information from your .txt file via Dropbox File request.

    • If you have your own preferred means of transferring API information, please let us know and we will be happy to accommodate.

Our Jebbit Integrations Team will be notified once this information is submitted, and will be in contact with you regarding timelines and testing.

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