Shopify merchants have the option to pull in product data directly from your storefront into a Jebbit experience. Through Dynamic Product Feed logic, you can match customers to relevant products and leverage features like Add to Cart or only showing in stock items.
Video Tutorial
Step by Step Guide
Complete the structure of your Jebbit experience and make sure that all questions and responses are finalized. Be sure to also set up your Dynamic Product Feed screen so your products have a place to be displayed. Building out your dynamic product feed screen works the same way for all users whether you're a Shopify merchant or not. Be sure to select any of the Dynamic Product Feed options in the Screen Library.
Based on the questions and answers you have built into your quiz, create tags for each of the responses within your Shopify storefront. We recommend including "quiz" or "jebbit" in the tag so it is easily searchable when setting up the quiz logic.
Once the tags have been finalized in Shopify, you will be able to map them to responses within your experience. To set this up, click on the three dots in the top right of your Builder Map. From there, scroll until you find Add Product Feed.
After selecting Add Product Feed, you will be brought to a section to map Tags from Shopify within your quiz.
After mapping all questions tied to logic, be sure to hit the blue Save button in the top right corner of your screen.
Once your initial logic has been created, be sure to preview and test that your experience is featuring relevant products.
To see which products and tags have been used within your experience, click on the Pencil icon next to the Shopify feed.
From there, you will be able to download a feed that includes all products with mapped filters. Be sure to select the proper elements (ex. Tags) to include in your report.
After testing, you are all set to publish and launch your experience!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the recommended method for setting up logic using my Shopify feed?
A. While you can use any already established Shopify tags to build your logic, we typically recommend creating new tags specifically for Jebbit that correspond to each response within the experience. For example, a skincare brand might include the following tag quiz_skintype_oily to denote that this product works for oily skin type.
Q. How often does Jebbit sync with my Shopify store?
A. The products are synced between Jebbit and your Shopify store in near real-time so your inventory is fully up to date with your latest products. This is great for brands whose products go in and out of stock often. You also don't need to worry about manually uploading CSVs of your product data, it's just done automatically when you download our app and upgrade to our enterprise plan.
Q. How can I make an edit to a product?
A. Unlike product feed CSVs which can be manually uploaded to the Jebbit platform, the Shopify dynamic product cannot be edited directly from the Jebbit UI. All the product data will be managed within your Shopify portal.
Q. Can I use Variants instead of Tags to match users to Products?
A. You can now map multiple Variants to the same response! When doing so, you will see a checkbox that appears on your Product Feed Logic that will allow you to display the variants as a single product, or to display each variant independently. This feature works with Add-to-Cart enabled as well!
Q. Why aren't all of my tags showing up when testing my feed?
A. When testing your Shopify feed within Jebbit, Jebbit will only pull the tags that have been mapped within an experience. If a tag is not showing up when testing, it means it has not been mapped within the experience.
Q. When testing my experience, the results don't make sense. How can I tell what is going wrong?
A. Typically, when incorrect products are displaying it means that there are not enough in-stock products on a given pathway to display to a customer, so Jebbit relies on fallback logic to make a recommendation. To test if this is the case, you can download your Shopify feed and set up filters within the headers. You will then filter based on the tags within the pathway, be sure to go through every single question/tag included in your feed to make it reflective of the experience. If there are no products featured after recreating the responses within the experience, it means you need to add in additional tags or more products with relevant tags.
Q. What other fields can I use to build my logic within a Jebbit experience?
A. Jebbit automatically pulls in the fields Collections, Product Type (or Category within Jebbit), Variants, and Tags. You can use any of these elements to build out your logic, however, most Jebbit customers find it easiest to prioritize Tags.
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Keywords: Shopify, Dynamic Product Feed, Tags, Categories, Variants