Setting up the Yotpo Integration

Yotpo is a marketing automation platform for eCommerce and is also a partner of Jebbit. This article reviews the steps for setting up the Yotpo Integration.

Video Tutorial

Step by Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the Jebbit Integrations page

  2. Click on the Yotpo tile

  3. Click on "Connect"

  4. Enter your Yotpo credentials on the authorization page

  5. Once you are authenticated into Yotpo, approve the connection so Jebbit can pass data to the Yotpo APIs

  1. If you need to deactivate your integration with Yotpo all you need to do is click ‘Uninstall’ on the Yotpo integration tile within the Jebbit platform. Don’t worry, you can reinstall in seconds if you choose to activate your integration again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can my customers earn Yotpo Loyalty points for completing a Jebbit experience?

A: If you are an eCommerce brand that leverages Yotpo to reward Loyalty points, your customers can now earn loyalty points and rewards for completing a Jebbit experience. Check out this article to learn how!

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