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Dynamic Redirects
Updated over 2 months ago

If you are an eCommerce site or any brand looking to drive sales in your website, it's essential you are able to display the right products or content to the right users. Within the Jebbit platform you can do that through tools such as outcomes and product feed.

Dynamic Redirects is a feature which enables you to take the responses from your Jebbit experience and dynamically insert those responses into the redirect URL so the results are a filtered view of your products on your website.

This feature is very similar to the Dynamic Product Feed with two primary differences.

  1. The recommendation screen is on the brands website, not a view in the Jebbit experience

  2. You do not need to upload or integrate your Product Feed

Video Tutorial

Step by Step Guide

In order to pass Jebbit responses into your redirect URL, you must map attributes. You cannot pass a response which is not mapped to an attribute.

Next, select 'Append Responses to URL' from the advanced menu dropdown in the Builder Map.

Lastly, add the parameter name in your URL string and how you would like Jebbit to pass the responses.

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