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Best Practices: User Flow
Best Practices: User Flow
Updated over a month ago

Looking to create the most engaging experience your audience has ever seen? Follow our tips for designing an outstanding Jebbit experience.

First Screen

  • Offer an incentive for completing the experience. Incentives don’t need to be massive giveaways, or even monetary. They can be as simple as personalized recommendations, the final score on a trivia experience, or a promo code.

  • Include engaging copy & imagery. Have a clear call to action (CTA) that inspires the user to see more.

  • Be concise. Use short-form copy and only one CTA. Let the user know how many questions they’ll be answering so they don’t drop off the experience fearing it will take too long.

  • Be finite. Indicate there is a goal or end to the experience, & tell the user what they’re working towards.

  • Be relevant. Make a connection with the thing the user clicked on to get to the experience, like the copy and/or image within a social post.

  • Be instructional. Tell the user what to do so they don’t have to make decisions themselves.

Experience Content

  • Capture declared data to re-engage a user & drive conversations if they don’t happen in the moment. Even if a question doesn’t drive to an outcome, it can still be an incredibly useful data point to leverage.

  • Pair incentives with education. This allows the consumer to understand why a product or outcome is the best fit for them & why they should buy now.

  • Activate immediately. Use an in-experience “Shop Now” button to allow consumers to purchase your product right away.

Final Screen

  • Reiterate your incentive. Remind users what they’re working towards, and include a form to capture their email address and unlock the incentive.

  • Ensure you have a personalized experience. Giving users something relevant drives engagement & increases the quality of your declared data.

  • Include a redirect link as a final CTA. Send users to your brand website, blog, user guide, or purchase page. Use Outcomes to take users to different websites based on their responses.

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Keywords: user flow, user journey, builder map, cta, intro screen, outcomes, personalization

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