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Google Analytics 4 Integration
Updated over 2 months ago

Jebbit's Google Analytics 4 integration is easy to setup, and powerful to use. It will send rich data to your GA property around screens visited, responses given, leads captured, and adds to cart.

Setting up a Google Analytics 4 integration

  1. Grab your Measurement ID from Google.

    • Usually found in Admin > Property > Data Streams

    • It will start with G- and look something like this: G-K0EC32R00N

  2. To setup on an individual campaign:

    • In the Builder Map, click the 3-dot menu and select Vendor Pixels.

    • Paste your G-Tag ID and Save.

  3. To setup on a brand (to apply to all campaigns):

    1. Visit the Integrations page, click on the Google Analytics tile and Connect.

    2. Paste your G-Tag ID and Save.

  4. You have the option to send 4 types of events:

    1. On Screen Load: page_view

      • This will fire a page view each time a screen is loaded.

      • It will pass a unique URL (ex: /h6u0jr7c/screen/4ql1sdsv), as well as the Screen Name.

      • This is helpful to get a complete picture of which screens a user visited. Since your Jebbit experience is a single-page application (i.e. the URL does not change), this will notify GA each time a new screen is visited, and report it as a page view.

    2. On Screen Response: custom_event

      • For each response a user select, we will pass their response along with the name of the question.

      • This is helpful to understand your customer's preferences, and segment your data.

        • Examples:

          • How do conversion rates compare between users in each age group?

          • When we recommend X product, what percentage of users purchase it?

          • Which products are Side Sleepers most likely to purchase?

    3. Lead Capture: generate_lead

      • When an email or phone number is captured, we will fire an event to tell GA we collected email. Note that we do not send the email address collected, as this is prohibited in Google Analytics as Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

    4. Add to Cart: add_to_cart

      • If using our add to cart feature with Shopify or BigCommerce, we will fire an event when a user adds products to cart.

  5. You can also send events as postMessage events if needed, or turn off events at the campaign level.

    • Select "Send data to the parent page" if you would like to pass GA4 events via postMessage to a parent page. They will fire with an action of "fireGTM".

    • "Enable Campaign Events" turns the pixel on to send events. Turn off to disable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What if I want more customization?

A: For a more customized setup, please refer to our Google Tag Manager integration.

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