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SFTP Product Feed Upload
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can connect your Product Feed to Jebbit via SFTP to personalize your product recommendations and keep product details relevant in an automated fashion. SFTP files can be dropped into Jebbit's SFTP, or picked up from your own SFTP.

Step by Step Guide

  1. To drop files in Jebbit via Jebbit's SFTP, first reach out to your Support/CSM contact so they can submit a request with our Integrations team to have SFTP credentials created for you. SFTP credentials will consist of three credentials:

    1. Hostname

    2. Username

    3. Private Key file: Instead of a Username/Password combination, Jebbit's SFTP requires you to connect via the use of a Private Key. Here is an example of connecting using this method via FileZilla:

If you wish to instead have Jebbit pick up files from your own SFTP server, your Support/CSM contact will put you in contact with a member of Jebbit's Integrations Team to discuss next steps on the secure transfer of credentials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the file requirements?

A: There are three requirements to successfully upload your files.

  1. All product feeds must be CSVs

  2. The file must contain eight fields as column headers

  3. File name must remain the same each time, otherwise we create a new feed instead of updating the existing feed.

Here is an example file with fake data.

Q: Can additional columns be added to the file on top of the eight required ones?

A: In addition to the eight required fields, you can include custom columns. While the required fields impact what the end consumer sees, your custom fields will be used for filtering down the result set. The order of the columns do not matter.

Q: How often are files picked up and updated via SFTP?

A: Files are able to be picked up and updated hourly.

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