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In-App Experience Implementation
Updated over a month ago

The following document is meant to serve as a reference of how a Jebbit experience can live inside your app environment. It is important to note that Jebbit will need to be implemented within a Web View in your app environment. A Jebbit experience itself cannot be natively integrated with your app or SDK, but it can be implemented as a Web View within your native or web app.

Step by Step Guide

There are two ways you can implement your Jebbit Experience in-app. You can use a Launch Link or you can embed a Jebbit experience in-app:

  1. Find a guide for creating launch links here. You can use your Jebbit Launch Link in your application to open up a Web View which will display your Jebbit Experience:

  2. Find a guide for generating the embed code here. You can then load the embed code into a Web View within your application, and customize its size and positioning either from the Web View itself, or within the style options from the embed code.

If you are launching your experience in-app, then you may want the final call-to-action or button click in your experience to brings users to another page within your app. This would be a deeplink. Adding a button at the end of your experience that deeplinks to another part of your app makes the experience feel completely seamless! To add a deeplink to your experience, you just need to add a Redirect URL to the final button in your experience.

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