Shopify Product Sync


Shopify merchants that download the Jebbit app can sync their product catalogs with the Jebbit platform for real-time personalization and product recommendations. This article is an overview of the process, and links out to more detailed set up guides.


Syncing Products between Jebbit and Shopify allows user to:

  1. Create Outcomes (available to all platform users)

  2. Pull Products into Outcomes (available to all platform users)

  3. Use the Dynamic Product Feed and filtering logic (available to users with Enterprise permissions only)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often do Products sync between Shopify and Jebbit?

A: If you are pulling in Products through the 'Import from Shopify' tool, then it's important to note that a sync automatically happens once per day at 12AM UTC and can take up to an hour. You can manually refresh the sync from the 'Import from Shopify' tool at any time though. If you are using the Dynamic Product Feed, however, the sync is in near real time.

Q: I don't see the Shopify Dynamic Product Feed in my account.

A: The Shopify Dynamic Product Feed is only offered to users with Enterprise level permissions. Reach out to your Customer Success Representative or contact the Support Team for more help.

Q: Some of my Products are not showing in the Import Tool.

A: We will only display 'Active' Products in the 'Import from Shopify' tool.

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Keywords: shopify, sync, products, dynamic product feed