IP Address Updates December 2023


In our continuous efforts to enhance security and improve the reliability of our services, we are adding an additional origin IP address for our Integrations service.

Announcement Details

To ensure uninterrupted access to our platform, we kindly request you to add the following IP addresses to your allow list by January 31, 2024:

New IP Addresses

The full list of Jebbit IP ranges and required ports are below for your own records.

Full IP Ranges

Required Ports

SFTP integrations: 22

HTTP Integrations: 443

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is this necessary?

A: Updating your allow list with our new IP address will enable seamless communication between your systems and Jebbit integrations. This proactive step ensures that you can continue leveraging our services without any disruptions.

Q: Is this applicable to my organization?

A: If your organization has set up an allow list to accept traffic from Jebbit's Integrations Suite, this is required to prevent service interruption. If you have not explicitly set up a list of IP addresses or you are integrated with an off-the-shelf SaSS product (e.g. Klaviyo), no action is required.

Please coordinate with your IT or technical team to add the provided IP address to your allow list. If you require any assistance or have questions regarding this process, please contact your dedicated customer success representative, or contact our Support team for more assistance!