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Coupon Codes
Updated over 2 months ago

You can now distribute individual coupon codes to your customers within an Experience! Try an example experience, HERE.

Video Tutorial

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create/enter an experience and open up a screen to enable the Screen Editor.

2. Click on ‘Add Element’ from the left-hand menu, and add the ‘Coupon Code’ element. You will see it appear on your editing screen.

3. Clicking on the element will bring up its editing options in the left-panel. There are two types of coupon codes:

  • Static: Static codes present the same code to every customer.

    • Static setup: To distribute a static coupon code, simply input your code in the field that reads ‘STATIC CODE’. The text you type into the Static Code field will be displayed to your customers and all customers will see the same code.

  • Unique: Unique codes present a unique/different code to each customer that goes through your experience.

    • Unique setup: To distribute unique codes for your customers, you will need to upload a .csv with your unique coupon codes included. The .csv you upload should have a simple format; it should be a single column, with a column header of ‘Coupon Code’. Underneath the Coupon Code column, you should list all of the coupon codes you wish to distribute.

    • How it works: as your customers go through your experience, Jebbit will pull in a unique coupon code from the .csv, sequentially. Meaning, the coupon code that appears first in your Coupon Code column will appear to the first customer who goes through your experience, the second code will appear to the second, and so forth.

    • Additional Settings for "Unique setup"

      • Repeat Users: You can choose how you want to handle users/customers that go through your experience more than once.

      • Show existing code: This will display the same code to repeat users, or users who have gone through your experience more than once, based on cookie data. B. Show a new code: this will present a different/unique code to users every time they go through the experience. Repeat users will get a different Code.

      • Show error message: Instead of seeing a code, repeat users will see an error message. You can customize this error message to say whatever you would like.

4. To see an example of the correct .csv format, click the ‘Download Template’ option in the left-panel.

5. Design Controls: like a typical element, you can update the background color, borders, fonts, sizing and positioning - all in the left-panel. You can update the coupon code display setting for different states, such as when a user clicks on it, or hovers over it.

6. Editing ‘Error message’ words: you can edit what the error message reads by going to the ‘Edit Error Messaging’ section within the Style Guide. Updating the Coupon Code field will adjust the error message that gets presented.

Q. Why are my coupons not showing when I preview?
A. Unique coupon codes do not show up in previews - to test, you’ll have to test the live launch link. We recommend including a couple of sample coupons at the beginning of your uploaded .csv for testing purposes.

Q. Why am I getting an error message when testing my coupon codes?
A. It is possible that you have set your ‘Repeat users’ setting to ‘show error message’. If this is a case, every repeating user will see an error message when they go through the experience for a second time - to fix this while testing, you can change that setting to ‘Show a new Code’.

Q. What are the advantages of using a Static Code versus just using a text element?

A. The Coupon Code element comes with a few unique features:

1. It allows users/customers to easily copy the code by clicking on it, along with an animation that provides the user with confirmation of being copied.

2. It provides coupon-specific design controls, such as unique borders and backgrounds

Q. Can I add an attribute to a coupon code?
A. Yes, you can add attributes

Q. How can I see which users received which coupon code?
A. You can see a breakdown of which users were distributed which coupons by exporting the Event Level Analytics .csv. In the downloaded .csv, you’ll see the distributed codes under the column ‘{} - Coupon Code - Form Responses’.

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