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Mad Lib
Updated over 2 months ago

Mad Lib is a Builder feature that allows you to seamlessly combine text and forms to create more engaging lead capture screens.

Video Tutorial

Step by Step Guide

  1. To add a Mad Lib element, select the Add Elements button in the Editor and click on the "Mad Lib" option.

  2. The default Mad Lib element appears with a text input field, a dropdown, and three text elements. You can customize your Mad Lib in several ways, including:

    1. Removing one of these elements - Click directly on it (you will see the specific element highlight) and then click the Trash Can icon that appears to the left of the Canvas.

    2. Adding different elements - Click within the Mad Lib element (you can be sure you’ve clicked on it correctly when you see the title ‘Mad Lib’ appear above the highlighted selection). Then, click on the green plus button that appears at the bottom of the element.

    3. Moving or rearranging existing elements - Click on the element you wish to move and use the up/down arrows that appear to the left of the Canvas.

    4. Editing the elements - Click on the element and customize it in the left Editor window (the same way you customize any element!)

  3. Customize the overall look and feel of your Mad Lib. To do so, click on the Mad Lib element to ensure that it is highlighted, and then use the controls in the Editor window on the left.

    1. Width: Adjusts the entire width of the Mad Lib element

    2. Input Height: Adjusts the height of all inputs in your Mad Lib, removing the need to customize one-by-one

    3. Input Width: Adjusts the width of all inputs in your Mad Lib

    4. Element Spacing: Adjusts the amount of space in between each element of your Mad Lib

    5. Line Spacing: Adjusts the height of each line of your Mad Lib

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main use cases of a Mad Lib experience? Can you share examples?

The Mad Lib feature is designed to easily collect a LOT of data on a single screen, without the user feeling like they are filling out a standard form. It is often tied to creative use cases to increase user engagement and lead capture rates, for instance, like having someone write a letter to themselves.


What elements can be added inside a Mad Lib element?

The Mad Lib element is a container in which both Forms (dropdowns, email, and other ‘type-in’ inputs) and text elements can be added. You can add any of Jebbit’s form elements into a Mad Lib, as well as new text elements.

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