The following article is a guide to walk you through the user session data available for Product Matches from the Dynamic Product Feed or Standard Product Outcomes.
Step by Step Guide
Navigate to Question Analytics and click on the Export button, to find the two options available for exporting user session data related to Products.
The Aggregated Product Feed Data export will contain all the Products from your feed with the following reporting:
Views: The number of times a Product was viewed by an end consumer
Responses: The number of times a Product was clicked on
Response Rate: Clicks/Views for each Product
You can also customize which columns will appear in your export to tailor the CSV to your liking.
The Event Level Product Data report shows you which Products were viewed and clicked on for each individual user session. Like the aggregate report you can control what columns are added and how the data is rendered in the CSV.
You will notice each Product slot is listed out as its own column and on each user session you can see which Product was display to the end user, which Product was clicked on and the value of the Products that were clicked.
Lastly, for campaigns using the Product Feed you have some flexibility over what field from the feed you wish to represent the Product. The platform defaults to the 'Title' field, but you have the option to choose a different field such as the ID or the Brand.