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Outcomes Overview
Updated over a week ago

Outcomes are a great way to personalize an experience by directing users to the most relevant recommendations or content based on how they respond to questions. There are several ways to build Outcomes in Jebbit, and you have the option to show several products within a single outcome. Continue reading to learn how to set up Standard Outcomes with Jebbit!

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. To start, add an outcome screen to your experience from the screen library. This is where you will serve the user their outcome result.

2. Next, navigate to the "Add Outcomes" section in the main navigation bar of the Builder Map to create your outcomes.

3. At the screen editor level, you can also add Dynamic Outcome elements to display outcomes by clicking on "Add Elements," scroll down to the "Outcomes" category and select the Outcome elements you wish to display on the screen.

4. Now that you have the dynamic outcome elements on the screen, dive into the Standard Outcome menu on the left side panel or via the main Builder Map menu.

Screen Editor View

Builder Map View

5. Within the Outcome Menu, you can select between two logic options: Matching or Scoring Logic.

Matching Outcomes uses a points-based system to match users to relevant Outcomes. This logic is used to match users to their best-fit options by weighing their various responses. This type of Outcome is great for product and personality match experiences.

Scoring Outcomes are used to indicate correct and incorrect responses, and then match users to an Outcome based on several correct responses. Scoring Outcomes are great for Trivia and education-based experiences.

Creating Outcomes

  1. Before you configure the outcome logic, you will need to create the outcome buckets by clicking on the + icon on the bottom tab and manually filling in the dynamic outcome descriptors:

  • Outcome Name ( Internal reporting purposes only)

  • Heading

  • Image

  • Description

  • URL

  • Additional products (You can add up to 24 additional products within an outcome)

2. To add bulk outcomes, you can download the .csv file template to add the outcome information and upload to the UI.

3. To add additional products within an outcome, click on the "Add Products to this Outcome" tab. A pop-up menu will display for you to add in the additional product elements. You have the option to categorize each product within the outcome by clicking on the "Categorize this product" checkbox.

4. You also have the option to customize trigger texts, trigger emails, and social cards by selecting the options on the right side sub-panel menu.

5. Now that you have created your Outcomes, dive into the Outcome Logic tab on the left side panel menu to configure the logic!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many Outcomes can I create?

A: There is no limit to the amount of Outcomes you can create. However, if you plan to create over thirty Outcomes, then you may have an easier time using the import and export option instead. This would allow you to create your outcomes in a .csv file, and then import the file into Jebbit.

Q: Can I show more than one Product per Outcome?

A: Yes! You can show up to 24 additional products per Outcome, in addition to one main product per Outcome.

Q: Can I group Products into Categories?

A: Yes! You can assign Products to Categories as you add them. This will make it so Products assigned to the same Category are grouped together on the results screen.

Q: Can I add outcomes on any screen?
A: You sure can! You can add Outcome elements into any screen. However, we always recommend adding outcomes on the last screen so that you can redirect the end-user to your site!

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